At ETE Reman, we’re constantly making the customer experience better. From sales to packaging, your experience is our priority. That’s why we’ve made the following improvements:
It Starts with New Leadership.
Sari Rivera has assumed the role of Product Support Manager. Since joining the team in March of 2014, Sari has proven to be a much-valued and well-loved Warranty Administrator. She brings with her more than 10 years of automotive aftermarket experience, as well as an attitude that’s equal parts fix the transmission and serve the customer. If you haven’t had the chance to work with Sari yet, you’re in for a treat.
What Else is Different?
The creation of the Product Support Administrator role earlier this year has made the warranty process easier than ever. Also, we now have three dedicated Product Support Technicians – which means your technical questions are answered quickly and accurately. Finally, our Core Returns team is exceptionally efficient when it comes to scheduling core return shipments; that’s why we’ve brought that team under the Product Support Department to help expedite warranty returns.
Basically, we’re making the Product Support experience as smooth as the shifts of an ETE Reman transmission [shameless plug].
The New and Improved Product Support Department.
Sari Rivera, Product Support Manager
Nathan Smith, Product Support Technician
Carter Bringe, Product Support Technician
Steve Bauer, Product Support Technician
Jacki Manthe, Product Support Administrator
Ron Marth, Returns Specialist
Michelle Tepsa, Returns Specialist
Oh, and What About Luis Torres?
Don’t you worry your pretty little head about Luis; he’s not getting rid of us that easily. He’s still part of the ETE Reman family, just taking on a different role – or, more accurately, no longer juggling multiple roles. Luis is now the Catalog and Product Manager… a role that has gone unfilled for longer than we should probably admit. In short, expect big things from Luis and ETE on the catalog front.