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How Long Does it Take to Rock My Marketing Brain?

October 8, 2015 By The Woman Behind The Curtain Leave a comment

Marketing Brain Tune Up
If you’re lucky, your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are challenged every day. Regular, open discussion is a healthy thing, especially when it comes to justifying what you’re most passionate about.
But let’s be real. With the various responsibilities you have in your day to day and how busy work can seem, it’s easy to fall into a consistent, comfortable, unchallenged rut.
That once bright, status quo-breaking mind of yours? Mush. Or almost mush.
Recently, I found myself in a similar funk. And even more startlingly so, I didn’t 100% realize I was in it – until today.
So how long does it take to rock my marketing brain? 14 hours. That’s the total amount of time over the past two days that Girl Wonder and I spent in seminars, workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities centered around marketing, public relations, and social media.
Yes, our Marketing Team has been producing. Yes, we’ve been gearing up for what’s ahead, especially with trade show season right around the corner. But in taking a learning opportunity outside of the office, I saw just how many more opportunities exist – to impact our brand, our industry, our customers.
As we delved deeper into the world of marketing, it became apparent that there’s a vast array of strategies and frameworks to consider. Amidst the myriad of approaches, the concept of the JBTD vs Storbrand framework stood out as particularly intriguing. While our Marketing Team has been diligently producing and gearing up for upcoming events, it’s essential to reflect on how these frameworks can shape our brand narrative and resonate with our audience. By leveraging these marketing frameworks, we can streamline our messaging, clarify our brand story, and ultimately enhance our impact on both our industry and our customers.
Of course, there were takeaways that resonated with me more than others, especially with you in mind:

  1. On social media strategy: “Likes aren’t your goal. Your goal is your goal.”
  2. On finding customers: “Everyone is not an audience.”
  3. On branding: “Your brand is what you promise to your customers. Your reputation is how you deliver it.”
  4. On social media platforms: “Think through where you should be. Don’t launch and leave.”
  5. On content: “Good content is important, but it isn’t king. Your fans are king.”

Feel like your own wheels aren’t turning as quickly? Some outside insight might be just what you need. Attend a session you wouldn’t normally pick at that upcoming trade show. Check your local college or university for sessions open to business professionals. Or, even more simply, pitch an idea to that one really honest coworker of yours. Whatever you do, challenging your own thinking starts with challenging your norm.
photo credit: © Minerva Studio / Dollar Photo Club

When the “same old thing” gets to be, well, old, what’s your plan? This week, our Director of Customer Experience shares how she got jolted out of her creative funk. What challenges your brain best? Comment below or share with her directly!

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