Pardon our dust. Excuse us as we improve your experience. Please be patient while we work to enhance our systems.
Innovation, growth, and expansion are messy, but once the sweat dries and the dust settles there is a profound moment of elation and accomplishment. What started as an idea is now a tangible and functioning achievement.
When we build, we must not only focus on the end goal but we must be aware of potential losses along the way. In effort to become greater we must not lose the values and ideals that are our foundation.
I spent last week in the happiest (and most expensive) place on earth. After a four year hiatus there were vast additions, improvements, and changes in the experiences. New rides, new ways of getting from point a to point b, and a whole new process created to make the most of the day. They have clearly been busy investing time and money to improve the customer experience.
While the classics remained, and the additions wow’d the first time guests, I found myself missing something. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Small animatronic dolls belted out their song on repeat. Teacups spun in nauseating circles. The long standing mountains continued to produce the deafening screams produced by a combination of joy and terror. As I boarded the plane to return home I realized I wasn’t quite as somber on departure day as I had been in the past. The extreme enchantment didn’t have such an all encompassing hold on me. It was then I knew what was missing.
All the progress, product improvements, and updates that were bestowed upon guests could not replace the one thing that keeps me coming back.
The magic is what draws me in and holds me hostage.
But this time part of the magic was gone. Not in a tactile fashion, as the smells and sounds and attractions persisted. It was no more than a feeling that was missing, and it was caused by the lackluster engagement of the staff. The parade waves were less wavy. The smiles appeared less genuine. Mostly though, the token conversation closure was absent.
With the dash to create greatness, they allowed the very basis of what they represent to fall to the wayside. It could have been the heat, or just bad luck on my part. Maybe training was a lesser priority during the boom of growth, or maybe the sweaty, cranky crowds were enough to wear even the happiest of representatives down.
Or maybe when we focus too much on where we are headed, we forget to hold onto to where we came from.
As a company dedicated to growth, how do you ensure that your foundation and structural beams don’t buckle beneath the weight of progression?
Align Your Growth: Always make decisions that support your company's core values. If you can’t define those values as a business, you can not dream of what you wish to become. Create a sturdy foundation to build your castle upon. Dismissing the base upon what the business was built on will ensure collapse.
Slow and Steady: To release a new product, service or process without in depth scrutiny creates a risk. Take the time to ensure that the offering not only works, but suits the demands of the customer. Rushing to achieve greatness, only promises that you will be in a great rush. Success comes from planning and identifying any potential problems and having a solution for those that can not be fully avoided.
The Magic Matters: The magic is your people. You can sell, or build, or provide any product as long as there is material to do so. However, without people that truly care, and are dedicated to the success of the business, any profit or forward movement will be negated. Hire only those that will support and maintain the values and culture your company is based on. Identify those with the ability to be a great leader, nurture them and promote them. Be strong and secure enough to rid yourself of those that don’t exude exceptionalism.
We are who we are because of where we came from. Hold tight to your beliefs and values, as they have allowed for the prosperity of today and will guide you through the twists and turns of tomorrow's progress.
Have a magical day.