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The Un-Stuck Switch Up

April 21, 2017 By The Creative Composer Leave a comment

Locked in a staring contest with a blank Word document. A pile of unopened bills on your desk. Another new email notification.
“How in the world am I going to get this done? How am I ever going to make it from point A to point B?”
You’ve been there. I’ve been there. Whether at work, at home, or in school, you routinely encounter issues that need solving. Usually, if a problem occurs and you’re unable to solve it, it’s because it is a multifaceted, complex one that can’t just be fixed with the push of an easy button. You’re left feeling uneasy, anxious, and stressed—less than ideal circumstances when faced with solving a large task.
The best way to solve a problem is to simply start it. But if starting is hard (it usually is), then it’s time to switch things up.
At work, your mind is used to solving things in a certain way. That’s why it’s most common to have an epiphany when you’re walking to lunch, listening to music, or simply being away from your desk. A “change of scenery,” doesn’t have to always be a physical place.
Picture one of your favorite TV or movie characters. Close your eyes and imagine them as vividly as you can. Now, think of the next big problem you need to tackle. How might they approach the issue? If Walter White were stuck with the same problem you are now, how would he go about solving it? If Tony Stark were in the same place, who would he call? Think about your professional mentor or an expert in your field, too. How would they react differently? What resources would they need at their disposal?
In my spare time, I enjoy producing music. I played guitar in bands growing up, which was fun, but limiting. I wanted to do more. There was something about the ability to control every aspect of a song, from the drums to the vocals to the synths and other instruments, that really drew me to producing. Oftentimes when building a song, I would get stuck, having about 90 seconds of the instrumental and not knowing which direction to take it. Should I let the beat breathe? Should I bring the vocals back in? What about a guitar riff – or piano solo? The options could be overwhelming. I’d close my eyes and listen, asking myself, “What would Avicii do here?” or “How would this sound if Drake were on the beat?” It would get my mind churning and soon enough, I’d be “un-stuck” and on my way to constructing the rest.
When you can think of an issue or a problem from someone else’s perspective, it suddenly doesn’t seem as big or fearful, and you can approach it with a simpler mindset.
So is it time to take your thoughts to a different place? Give this exercise a try. Focus on the steps to solving the problem and not the resources required, financial or otherwise. A lot of the resources needed to solve a problem are often right at our fingertips. Once the initial plan is in place, that big, bad, behemoth of a problem doesn’t seem so bad after all.

What’s your method for solving complex problems? In his second article, the Creative Composer has an exercise for you to try. Like what KJ has to say? Join the conversation below or email him directly.
photo credit: © Oleksii Nykonchuk –


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