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Would Don Quixote Outsell You?

February 11, 2016 By The Woman Behind The Curtain Leave a comment

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You probably wouldn’t think of a guy who is often thought of as a madman as much of a salesman. And here is where I’d argue that you’re wrong.
You see, if I were to put the best, brightest sales guy or gal I know up against Don Quixote (setting aside the fact that he is dead – and fictitious), I’d be in for some secondary embarrassment on my colleague’s behalf.
Allow me to explain.
There are several truths I know about sales:

  • Sales is a grind.
  • Sales at its core is a passion. Either you have “it” – or you don’t.
  • Selling is not for the faint of heart. Or will. Or ego.
  • A sale turns in to a relationship when you’re willing to do what the first guy wouldn’t, couldn’t, or didn’t.

So what does this all have to do with the namesake of a 400-year-old classic? (In case you’re unfamiliar, check Amazon for a copy.)
I’ll be honest. Even on my best, most caffeinated day, Don Quixote would outsell me. I know our business well. At times, I’m somewhat of a nerd about transmissions. And the thrill of the sale? I feel that. But at the end of the day, I’m missing something – that almost-blind faith to keep marching on when things get tough, when doors slam in my face, when there seems to be no end to the no’s in sight.
Now, it’s your turn. How do you think your sales skills would stack up? The last time you took inventory of your skill set, especially in a non-traditional comparison, might have been a while ago – and that’s ok.
Think about how you’d answer the following. If you aren’t in sales (and arguably, we all are – but that’s a different article), think about how your team would answer instead.

True or false:

  1. Some mistakes with customers can’t be overcome.
  2. What is right for the customer and what is right for my business are different.
  3. Some competitors just can’t be beat.
  4. There is such a thing as an impossible sale.

I’m going out on a relatively safe limb here when I say that if you’re Don Quixote, the answer to all of these would be false. He wasn’t selling products, tools, or services on his adventures, but as a character he embodies most of if not all of the qualities that make for a salesman who will stand the test of time.  If your sales numbers, attitude, or reason for why you do what you do have fallen flat, perhaps all you need to turn your sales around is to chase a few windmills.
photo credit:© -101PHOTO-

Have your sales fallen flat? To get back on track, perhaps all you need to be is a little more than one of fiction’s most notable madmen. Think you could outsell Don Quixote? Comment below or share with Jennifer directly.


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