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Your Customers Call it as They Hear It

October 30, 2014 By Dapper Dan Leave a comment



Spectrophobia – the irrational fear of mirrors. Maybe I watched too many horror movies as a kid, but there is something about mirrors that I just don’t enjoy. But this past week, I decided to take one for the team – and place a mirror right at my desk.
There’s a theory that you might know about (or even read in this article from the Reman U archive) that says you can hear a smile over the phone. This idea intrigued me enough that I wanted to try it so I could share my experience just for you.
So, here goes…
You can most definitely tell attitude over the phone. When on a call, you can feel when the other person has no interest at all in what you have to say. They might say all the right things, but it’s how they say it that doesn’t seem genuine. 80% of what is heard on a phone call isn’t what is said, but the perception of how it’s said.
At first it was a little odd looking at myself all day, I’ll admit. Regardless of a good hair day or favorite shirt, it made me feel a little self-conscious. I started by doing my best to smile before and during calls. If I noticed myself getting stone faced, I’d think, “Hey, they can hear you smile.”
My inner child got the best of me and at times, I made a face at myself when I would catch my reflection. Although it sounds silly, it got me to laugh. And, I could tell a difference on the next call.
I like to think I’m a pretty animated guy on the phone – and that may be true. But, at times, I get busy. Distracted with the things going on around. A thud in the background, the music overhead, thinking about answering that email that just came through, frustrated from a difficult situation. All of it is just noise that takes attention away from the customer on the phone. And, they can tell.
This mirror was a great reminder that the person on the other end can’t see or tell what’s going on or know the day I’ve had. And to be frank, it doesn’t really matter.
What did I learn that does matter? Here are a few things:

  1. Take an extra moment to explain a little bit of what you’re doing on the other end or to tell a story that connects with your customer.
  2. Attitude can be the difference between whether you get the job or not.
  3. You might be the most qualified person in the world, but if the customer doesn’t like the way you come across, you can guarantee they will give their business to someone else.
  4. People want to do business with their friends. Be friendly and make sure you portray the best version of you.

Buy a mirror and set it up by your phone. Give it a try even for a day. Take a second before you pick up each call to make sure the other person has your full, friendly attention. The goal is self-awareness.

AVA_KendrickIn his third Reman U article, the Dapper Dan of Reman shares what he learned from testing out a sales call theory. Think customers can hear your expression through the phone? Have you ever put a mirror at your desk? Share your thoughts in the comments or with Kendrick directly!


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