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Use Your Assets

September 25, 2014 By Kentucky Fried Sales Chick Leave a comment

Let me show you what I’m working with.
Hold on there – get your head out of the gutter.
But seriously, have you ever taken a personality test? There are all different kinds of quizzes out there that speak to the inner you. Some are used to qualify candidates for job interviews, and others sneak up on you in Cosmo, all of which result in insights to your personality that may or may not hit home.
But you already know about yourself, right?  I was right there with you until I took a 5-minute, mind-blowing quiz a few weeks ago.  28 questions are all it took to inspire this article.
Business books for me are hit or miss.  The childhood reader in me enjoys a storyline beyond pages of sales advice.  So when Captain Reman left How the World Sees You on my desk, I took a close look before deciding it was the real deal.  This book was different-It wasn’t about a sales process or customer satisfaction; it was about me.  Or rather, how the rest of the world sees me.
Did I feel a little selfish for wanting to learn more about myself? Absolutely.  But that’s exactly, positively, oppositely the wrong way I should have been thinking about this.  This book and its accompanying online quiz teaches you how to use the personality advantages you are blessed with to make you your most valuable self, and how to strategically make up for the dormant advantages you may not be as strong in.
Better yet, it covers the many personality types of my customers and how to best work with them.  Some clients are “Alert” and feel best about our sale when we can provide data and details about their specific transmission.  Others have a “Trust” advantage, and base their sale on several comfortable and personal conversations with one specific rep.
It’s hard to know how others perceive you.  My label of “The Victor” was initially a tough pill to swallow. As a humble person, I really didn’t like the idea of being known as a something so commanding.  But after reading more, it revealed that I am likely respected, ambitious, assertive, decisive, and only accept high-quality results.  Wow.  It went as far as to tell me that my team needs to know these things about me because I have a low standard for mediocrity.
That was all it took to convince me that my results were spot on.
And, I’d like to share that same experience with you.
The first 100 of you readers who use this link and enter promo code EBL-megcloud will be able to take a short version of this quiz for free.
As the author herself says, “Start learning about how people see you at your best, so that you can do more of it.”

You’re probably pretty smart, hardworking, and customer focused right? But, do you know how the world really sees you? Kentucky Fried Sales Chick Megan Pierce shares what she learned about herself recently – and an offer just for you. Did you take the quiz? Share in the comments or with Megan directly.

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