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The Common Busyness Business Denominator

December 14, 2017 By The Reman Runner Leave a comment

Everyone deals with it, and everyone deals with it differently. What is it? Stress. If you’re like me, the thought of a stressful situation alone is enough to set your inner freak-out time-bomb ticking.
Stress is a pretty common denominator at most workplaces, regardless of where you work or what you do for a living. The way you deal with a stressful situation, day, week (and so on), can not only affect you but affect everyone around you, too, so, it’s important to take stock of your strategy. With all the recent busyness in our business, it’s forced me to take a step back and assess how I personally deal with stress, not only at work but in all facets of my life
I am historically known for being poor at handling stressful situations. I’ve been quick to crumble and slow to put the bricks back together once they have fallen. Though I don’t necessarily think you can change the way you’re hard-wired as a person, I do believe you can (and should!) make moves to assess your reactions to common stressors you know you will encounter throughout your workday, and work towards finding ways that work for you to seek out the calm in your proverbial storm.
For me, it’s taking a quick walk break, listening to music to get me in the zone, or grabbing a cup of tea.
For you, it might be a quick water cooler venting session with your favorite colleague, watching your favorite cat video on YouTube, or reciting positive affirmations in the bathroom. It isn’t about the trick, though. It’s about the result: reducing your stress to make you a higher functioning, and, ultimately, happier person.
How do you react to those unavoidable work (and life) stressors?
Finding the thing that helps you reset your stress meter will not only help you remain calmer throughout the day but likely rub off on others around you – reason #46 to continue to work on your reactions to stress. There’s an undeniable impact of an effective and motivated team doing their best work. Get them hair-pulling, snappy, and slowly ticking to their own unproductive demise? Not a great game plan.

The Reman Runner is stressed. But does she crumble under the pressure? Well, sometimes, but that’s why she’s working on resetting her stress-o-meter and building strategies and structure to combat the inevitable. How do you solve your stress? Comment below or reach out to Rani directly.

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