The fine line between Sci-fi and Sci-fact is becoming thinner. Throughout entertainment history books, television shows, and movies have somewhat accurately predicted the creation of the technology we indulge upon today. Self-driving cars to cell phones, space travel to wireless earbuds, smart homes and the ability to connect face to face regardless of physical distance, what was once a figment of one’s imagination is now our very real everyday life.
It’s 2025, the modern conveniences created by innovation have allowed people to become more efficient, connected and streamlined. Need to check your calendar, no problem, it’s in your pocket. Researching ways to be a better leader or make more profit, no need to head to the library as a flood of information will bombard you with one simple search. Feeling under the weather but can’t stay out of the bathroom long enough to get to the doctor, no worries, house visits are back from the comfort of your commode.
Artificial Intelligence scares me. Have you seen a movie or read a book that ends in humanity’s favor that consists of robots and machines having the ability to “think”? I understand the limitations and am not so delusional that I truly believe AI enabled systems and robots will take over the world and eliminate the human race. I am however quite certain that becoming dependent on machine generated thought and deduction will cause the death of creativity, independent thought, and personalization of communication.
There is no escaping this degree of technology. It is appearing everywhere from search engines, social media and in our homes and businesses. While there is no way, short of going off the grid, to avoid it completely, we must determine what level we will embrace and incorporate artificial intelligence in our personal and business lives.
How do you determine the right amount of system based thinking for your business?
What can AI do for you?
There is a time and a place for the tools we use, and AI is simply a tool that should only be used for its intended purpose. I surely wouldn’t use a hacksaw to remove a splinter. Or air tools to install a transmission, (especially when the tags tell me not to). I couldn’t bring myself to use the stand mixer, when the recipe asked that I stir and not overmix.
The tools that make our lives easier and more efficient are not a one size fits all solution.
When incorporating artificial forms of intelligence make use of them in ways that they only provide benefits to the company and its customers. Data analysis software is helpful. The numbers are inputted and beep, boop, bop, you have charts and spreadsheets. However the numbers only provide the what, not the why. Auto chatbots can be helpful in directing a virtual customer to the correct person, as long as there is a person available on the other end, and not a circle of, “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that. Press 1, for order status”.
Our tools are only as good as the people using them. Make sure that while the automation is helpful and saves time that you are not relying solely on system generated data to base final judgement.
Are you in the people business?
Computers, systems, the internet, and digital communication have the power to make business more efficient. A customer can order online, get order updates, even set up returns and start warranties without ever talking to a real person. Answers are received automatically and within seconds. There’s no waiting on hold, no getting transferred and no having to select the correct option from a never ending list of prompts.
While on the surface this is the solution to all of your customer service woes, we must remember that our customers are people and sometimes people need people. The automatic messaging doesn’t always hit the mark. The bot that can access your account information doesn’t always understand. In times like this it leaves our customers screaming “REPRESENTATIVE” into the phone.
Be sure that no matter how much you choose to lean on technology that there is a human element to your communications, and that a human can become available to take the next steps when called upon.
What to do in the event of a hostile AI takeover?
Robot zombies have taken over your CRM and are sending inappropriate spam emails to your customers. AI generated data tells you that all your employees are plotting to sabotage the business you have built. The new programming software changes your original code and now your product is out to cause the final demise of any customer that receives their order.
Highly unlikely, even in my worst nightmares.
I may walk tepidly into this new world of innovation. I do so in caution, while understanding the need to move forward. Others jump head first at the thought of using a new tool to become quicker, better, and smarter, to make more profit, and reduce overhead. Artificial intelligence is going to impact your business, whether adopted by yourself, or having to interact with your vendors or customers systems. You can not hide, but you can take a step back when needed.
As I tiptoe into the world of AI, apps that can generate text, and data that shows up without me even asking I am in awe of its potential, yet cautious of its power.
If only, these tools would have been around for my college days, I could have partied more, studied less, and had fewer struggles writing break up notes.
You can tell where a child has been by following the sticky fingerprints. The grime covered walls, dotted with remnants of breakfast, lunch, and dinner reveal the path that toddler has traveled. The never ending battle to remove the debris before it hardens becomes a game that can not be won. As time goes on […]
The fine line between Sci-fi and Sci-fact is becoming thinner. Throughout entertainment history books, television shows, and movies have somewhat accurately predicted the creation of the technology we indulge upon today. Self-driving cars to cell phones, space travel to wireless earbuds, smart homes and the ability to connect face to face regardless of physical distance, […]
Bringing on a new guy or gal can be exhilarating. The company is growing and welcoming an additional member into its family. The opportunity to mold, mentor, and influence a fresh face reinvigorates the team, brings life and new light to the organization. Likely (hopefully), your new hire will come with a natural ability, some […]
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